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Fwd: No new recreational trails in your community?
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Sorry if you already got this and I would be surprised if Purdue did not take this funding, but just in case, let her know we want this!

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Have you ever enjoyed a nice, invigorating bike ride on a scenic rail-trail or rolling section of singletrack? Do you wish you had more trails like this closer to where you live or work? If you answered yes, then you will want to take action today.

State Governors are now allowed to opt out of receiving funding for these trails (through a program called Recreational Trails), due to a change in the recently updated federal transportation bill.

We’re contacting you because there’s a chance your Governor may refuse to receive this funding for recreational trails in your state—trails that boost local economies, keep people active, and enhance your personal health and well-being.

We are working with our partners the International Mountain Bicycling Association and the Coalition for Recreational Trails to make sure your state doesn't lose these critical trail funds. Please take a moment to send a strong message to your Governor to protect these trails using this easy form. The deadline for Governors to opt out is September 1, so your quick response is needed.



Thanks for your quick action,

Tim Blumenthal,


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