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Bicycle Post Trail

When is next work day.
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Sorry for the delayed response. The trail work day is Sunday June, 30 at 9am. It would be great if you could bring a weedeater, saw, clippers, etc...

Thanks so much!


From: Bicycle Post Trail <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 7:00 PM
Subject: re: When is next work day.

Posted by: Benjamin D Mooring on 6/10/2013 at 5:59 PM

June 30th is on a Sunday. So do I show up Sat or Sun?
Do I need to bring anything? (Weedeater, Clipper, ect.
If I get to ride this weekend I may take some clippers
to the back trails.

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June 30th is on a Sunday. So do I show up Sat or Sun?
Do I need to bring anything? (Weedeater, Clipper, ect.
If I get to ride this weekend I may take some clippers
to the back trails.
The next work day is Saturday, June 30th at 9am. Meet at the trail head. Bagels and coffee will be served during a brief meeting then we will get started.


On Jun 10, 2013, at 6:44 AM, "Bicycle Post Trail" <> wrote:

> Posted by: Benjamin D Mooring on 6/10/2013 at 5:37 AM
> When is the next cleanup day? I would love to help if I can get time off from work.
> Road Yesterday (06-09-2013) had several trees down and lots of thorns to get through.
> Wish more people road the outer trails to help keep it down.
> <<-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>
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When is the next cleanup day? I would love to help if I can get time off from work.
Road Yesterday (06-09-2013) had several trees down and lots of thorns to get through.

Wish more people road the outer trails to help keep it down.
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