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Bike Safety - recalls
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This is a good idea Russell.  Any chance you want to do it?  :)  I could envision a forum with this info in it or a special page.  A forum would be nice as people can subscribe and then basically get emails when things are updated.  It seems like there should be sites out there that have this info all filtered for bike stuff already.  I did a quick search and could not find anything like that (surprisingly).  Anyways, I did find this site
Where you can search for certain product types.  There is an option there for "Bicycles & Accessories" and you get a nice list of it all, you just can't link to that page directly (bummer).
Anyone else have any ideas??

Posted by: Russell on 6/3/2009 at 12:34 PM
A club member, maybe someone on the executive committee could sign up for the updates and relay the relevant posts to the club. The updates contain a lot of detailed information about replacements or repairs. They also list the injuries sustained while using the faulty products. One recent update listed broken legs, broken arms, and head injuries.

Just food for thought.

Russell Boyce
I had a thought while thinking about the clubs focus on safety. The idea would serve as a service to paying club members, support the club's focus on safety, and maybe prevent a club member accident.

Apple, my wife, receives email updates on product recalls. She started doing this when we had Morgan and during all the toy recalls on products made in China. The recall updates often include bicycles and parts. The recalls have not just been for cheap bikes and parts but on some pretty high end stuff.

A club member, maybe someone on the executive committee could sign up for the updates and relay the relevant posts to the club. The updates contain a lot of detailed information about replacements or repairs. They also list the injuries sustained while using the faulty products. One recent update listed broken legs, broken arms, and head injuries.

Just food for thought.

Russell Boyce
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